
Designing the next prop-tech unicorn.

What is NestEgg?

At NestEgg, our aim is to empower ordinary people to achieve financial independence through real-estate ownership. One way we do this is by providing an ecosystem that allows mom and pop landlords to easily self-manage their own portfolios without hiring a property manager. (Check out our website to learn more.)

My role

I joined NestEgg in 2018 in a hybrid dev/design role, but in 2020, our Design Director left, and I stepped up to fill in his shoes, taking over product design for the company. I had the privilege of helping pilot our product into a successful series-A of 14M, working cross-functionally with a product manager and a team of engineers.

Sample of work

Keep scrolling to view mockups/concepts of some of the key features I've been working on!

(For deep-dives of my design process, check out my Maintenance redesign project or my Timeline redesign project.)

Tenant portal

Redesign of the tenant portal including a new onboarding experience, dashboard, and payment settings page.


Rolled out new NestEggPay feature. With NestEggPay, landlords can pay for expenses with installments out of their future rent income.

Landing page redesign

Redesigned the homepage and all the logged out landing pages - writing content, creating graphics, and also coding most of the pages.